Seismic Survey: Appeal for protection from the Minister

Dear all,

Please see the attached correspondence from Dave Martin and Shelly Beach. It affects the sustainability of our already threatened fishery, and therefore all of us who practice our hobby and passion in these waters.

I ask that you consider this appeal and make up your own minds.

Kind regards


From: Shelly Beach Ski Boat Club []
Sent: 07 June 2017 9:03 AM
To: Shelly Beach Ski Boat Club <>
Subject: Seismic Survey: Appeal for protection from the Minister

Dear Friends,

As many of you know I’m busy making a film about all of this but this is an appeal for your support of the above petition, to prevent what happened last year from happening again this year. Ivan Keir managed to stop the OK Energy seismic survey off Knysna with signatures and we’re hoping to do the same.

Many of you will remember last year the Schlumberger Seismic Survey was granted permission to continue their survey activities into the annual whale migration period which was not in the spirit of marine conservation or protection. They were granted permission because in 2014, sections 38 and 39 of the Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act were repealed, thus creating a gap in the law which allows for a reconnaissance permit to be obtained without any environmental  authorisation.

Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) is now applying for a reconnaissance permit for an area which extends from Mossel Bay into KZN. The initial permit application extended from Richards Bay to Mossel Bay but has now been revised and includes a small southern section of KZN (new proposed area attached). The full EMP is available for download and comment at: Comment period ends on 30 June 2017.

In response, Coastwatch KZN has lodged a petition and an appeal, which was delivered to the DEA Minister last week (appeal letter attached).

The 2016 annual stranding report (out today!) reports on the highest number of whale strandings on the KZN coast, including the first recorded mass stranding. There is no evidence to suggest that the seismic surveys were responsible for the high number of strandings but the coincidence cannot be ignored.

I would encourage you to register as Interested & Affected Parties and to raise your concerns regarding the proposed permit application and to support the Coastwatch KZN initiative by signing the petition (

Please distribute among your networks.


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